
Why Choose 91¾«Æ·

Ours is a College where intellectual pursuits flourish in a climate of excellence and enquiry. Our academic results are testament to the professionalism, expertise and care of our teachers and the dedication and motivation of our students.

91¾«Æ· FCJ College is renowned for providing a wide variety of opportunities across both the academic curriculum, as well as a comprehensive co-curricular program, which covers the breadth of sport, music, art, drama, technology, maths, creative writing, languages and social justice. The activities cater for students’ diverse abilities and offers them the chance to form life-long interests outside the academic arena. When students are offered opportunities to explore new horizons, remarkable outcomes are possible.

Our VCE Class of 2024 received outstanding results, 10.7% students achieved an ATAR above 98 and we celebrate 20% of students who scored over 40. Our Dux received an ATAR score of 99.80.

Visit the VCE Results page for more details.

Benefits of Choosing A Girls’ School

91¾«Æ· recognises that students learn in different ways. In an all-female classroom from Prep to Year 12, girls develop the confidence to take risks necessary for genuine achievement. Research tells us that students in all-girls’ schools achieve significantly stronger results than any other group in Australia. 91¾«Æ· specialises in girls’ education and provides an environment to inspire and nurture your daughter’s learning. With benefits such as academic advantages, equal opportunities and strong role models to look up to, a girls’ school is the ideal place for your daughter to thrive and excel.

Using an approach that recognises gender differences enables girls to live up to their full potential and feel comfortable being themselves.

Role Models

Role modelling in a girls’ school is a natural occurrence and every 91¾«Æ· student benefits from seeing in the older girls the kind of young woman that she will become. At every level of a girl’s learning, she will be challenged, motivated and supported by a highly qualified teaching body. All the student leadership roles are filled by girls: from the lead in the College musical to the School Captain, students witness strong female role models and are encouraged to achieve successful outcomes from their own efforts.

Acknowledging the achievements of others is important in recognising your own potential and drawing inspiration from the work of others.

Marie, School Captain 2017

Equal Opportunity

Young women that attend a girls’ schools enjoy not only equal opportunity, but every opportunity. In an all-girl classroom, girls take on all the roles in the group, providing an atmosphere where students are confident to participate, influence, assist and lead. Using an approach that recognises gender differences enables girls to live up to their full potential and feel comfortable being themselves.

Supportive Environment

Within all an all-girls school, young women’s achievements are celebrated in a supportive environment. There is a greater sense of connectedness as girls learn to listen and accept others’ points of view, as well as being encouraged to feel comfortable within themselves and develop their own perspectives. Students are encouraged to explore a career in any area, as 91¾«Æ· aims to identify the capacity of each girl and encourage her to set her sights ever higher.

For more information on why to choose a girls’ school, visit the 

Let’s hear it from the girls! Why they love going to girls’ schools.

Our Awards

91¾«Æ· FCJ College is an award winning school and has been recognised for its innovative learning programs and excellence in professional learning.

  • Best Professional Learning Program 2023
  • 5 Star Innovative School Award 2023

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